Vacation Home Tax

Vacation Home Tax

Unfortunately for taxpayers rental income is taxed but there are a few rules you should know about rental income before you fill out your tax return.  Renting income from a vacation home can take many forms.  You can be taxed on a house, mobile home, even a boat but...

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2012 Tax Withholding

2012 Tax Withholding

One thing taxpayers don’t pay enough attention to is their withholdings. Withholding too much tax from your wages isn’t a smart financial move. Match your withholding as closely as possible to your actual tax liability for the year, and invest the extra money for...

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Child Care Credit

Child Care Credit

Are you a parent who is trying to find a way to cut child care costs? If you work and pay for child care, you may be eligible for the child care credit. Also, your employer may allow you to set aside part of your salary tax-free to pay for child care expenses. You may...

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Phishing E-Mails

Phishing E-Mails

The e-mail from your bank gets your attention right away. It says you need to log into your account in the next 48 hours to continue your online privileges. Something about a system upgrade. You wonder, is it legitimate? How can you know for sure? Bogus e-mails...

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