Understanding Incurred Cost Submissions

Government contractors with cost-type and time & material contracts must comply with FAR 52.216-7, necessitating the preparation and submission of an incurred cost submission annually. This submission follows DCAA guidelines and is crucial for maintaining compliance.

Timelines and Deadlines

Incurred cost submissions are due six months after the close of the fiscal year, with companies having a calendar year-end submission deadline of June 30, 2012. Adhering to these timelines is essential to avoid penalties and ensure timely submission.

Importance of FAR Compliance

Compliance with FAR regulations and DCAA guidelines is imperative for government contractors. Properly preparing and submitting incurred cost submissions demonstrates adherence to contractual requirements and fosters trust with government agencies.

Expert Assistance Available

Navigating the intricacies of incurred cost submissions can be challenging. Our team of experienced professionals is ready to provide expert guidance and support throughout the process.

Tailored Solutions for Your Needs

We understand that each contractor’s situation is unique. Our services are tailored to your specific requirements, ensuring accurate and compliant incurred cost submissions.

Transparent Communication

We believe in transparent communication throughout the engagement process. Our team keeps you informed at every step, providing updates and insights to facilitate a smooth submission process.

Proactive Approach to Compliance

With a proactive approach to compliance, we help contractors anticipate and address potential challenges before they arise. This proactive stance minimizes disruptions and ensures a seamless submission process.

Reach Out for Assistance

If you require assistance with preparing your company’s incurred cost submission, please feel free to call us at 978-957-9665 or e-mail us at pwitts@wittscpa.com.