If you intend to contract for any government agency, you should expect to face many DCAA audits during the course of your career. Unlike IRS audits, which usually only occur when something in your records is called into question, DCAA audits occur virtually every time...
All businesses must have some form of accounting. For some small companies, business owners are comfortable maintaining their own books. For others, an in-house accounting department handles the finances. But for government contractors, a professional accountant that...
One of the biggest issues in Government Contract Accounting is the identification and segregation of costs. It’s a make or break separation that is at the core of Government Contracting. These are fairly simple but can get rather confusing and must be as natural to...
Back in the ’50s, each branch of the military handled its own contracts and its own accounting. This was a veritable mess as the country went through a lot of wars at this time. We needed one agency to provide standardized audits for the Department of Defense....
No 2 snowflakes are ever the same. The person who proved that took 5,000 pictures of snowflakes. He was looking on the outside. Today’s science tells us that there is an element in the air that makes his statement a fact. These scientists were looking from the...
Welcome to the mountain of Government Contracting, we are glad you made the decision to climb up these steep slopes. You’ll be trekking on a path only for the strong, the brave, and the immensely dedicated. Did you bring your hiking gear? Before you go on any...