The Russian invasion of Ukraine has shaken the global community and dominated news outlets for more than a month. And there’s no denying that Russia’s war has had an impact on the American economy; inflation has increased drastically, especially for gas prices, due to...
Government contract accounting comes with a significant number of ever-changing Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) and Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) rules and regulations. Complying with such a dynamic and extensive set of complex rules can be difficult to...
Getting started as a government contractor can involve jumping through even more hoops than starting a new business. All government contractors are required to meet DCAA compliance standards, but understanding those regulations—much less actually meeting them—can take...
Quickbooks is an incredibly popular accounting tool for small-business owners. It’s affordable, user friendly, easy to learn, and provides all of the functionalities that most businesses would need. But government contractors have much more specialized accounting...
Expanding your small business through government contracts can be a lucrative endeavor, offering a stable income source backed by the reliability and financial capacity of the US government. However, breaking into the government contracting game can be challenging. If...
In order to work on government contracts, your accounting system must measure up to the Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) of Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). These regulations often differ from basic accounting methods, and it’s important you’re using an accounting...