IRS Scams
The IRS recently released a consumer alert about possible scams that are taking place in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Many people have been getting fooled by fake charities that are trying to solicit money and personal information. These scams can take many forms...
IRS Makes Exceptions on Retirement Plan Distributions to Aide Sandy Victims
In a recent press release by the IRS, the service announced exceptions to certain tax rules regarding loans and hardship distributions from retirement plans. If you live in a disaster area or have family or other dependents that live in a disaster area affected by...
Buying and Selling Stocks
You can often manage the size of your gain or loss when you decide to sell some, but not all, of a particular stock or mutual fund. To do this, you must have kept good records of the date and the price for each share purchase. By selling the highest cost shares first,...
DoD Makes Big Changes to IR&D Reporting
As of January 30th, 2012 the DoD added reporting requirements to Unclassified Independent Research and Development (IR&D) projects. DFARS 231.205-18 and specifically section DFARS 231.205-18 (c)(iii) now requires contractors to report unclassified IR&D...
Tax On U.S. Savings Bonds
When you own Series EE or Series I savings bonds, you have a tax decision to make. Both types of bonds earn interest monthly. Usually, you’ll choose to defer paying any taxes on the interest until the bond reaches final maturity or you redeem it, whichever comes...
Business Tip
If your business is incorporated, it is often a good idea for you to personally own the business real estate and lease it to your corporation. There are a number of tax and nontax concerns relating to real estate ownership. For the income tax considerations, see...
Peter Witts, CPA PC Partners Up Again With Toys For Tots
Peter Witts, CPA PC is once again partnering up with Toys For Tots to help bring toys to children this holiday season. Once again, this year for every unwrapped toy that you donate a ticket will be placed into a raffle for a brand new IPad. The more toys that you...
IRS Underpayment Penalty
Don’t let penalties for underpaid taxes increase your tax bill next April. Check the total tax you’ve paid in for 2012 through withholding and/or quarterly estimated payments. Check to see how much tax you have currently witheld and then project the amount that will...
Alternative Minimum Tax
In your tax planning, don’t overlook how your tax-saving strategies might be affected by the alternative minimum tax. -What is the alternative minimum tax? Enacted back in 1969, the alternative minimum tax (AMT) was designed to make sure that high-income taxpayers pay...