Late is a Hardline in Government Contracts

Late is a Hardline in Government Contracts

You don't tug on Superman's cape, you don't spit in the wind, you don't pull the mask off that old lone ranger, and you don't submit your government contract late. It's an old story, much like that lady who sued over a cup of coffee. It's almost an urban legend now. A...

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Inflation Affects Your Government Contract

Inflation Affects Your Government Contract

These days, we can no longer overlook the effects of inflation in fixed-price government contracts. These are contracts where you take the risks of inflation and increase in cost.  There are very few contracts that allow for compensation for contractors when inflation...

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What Happens in a Full DCAA Audit

What Happens in a Full DCAA Audit

When the DCAA comes into your company for an entire business system audit, scrutiny and dissection are two words that come to mind. In our 20-plus years of experience, we've seen it take somewhere between a year and a year and a half, with companies and accountants...

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Student Loan Forgiveness. Is It taxable?

Student Loan Forgiveness. Is It taxable?

It was bound to happen. The ITT Technical Institute and more recently  Corinthian Colleges had been taking advantage of the federal government with their student loans. As a result, many of the students' loans were forgiven and many students were released from their...

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